Holistic Vision Online

Are you looking for clarity? Want to spend less time worrying about the future and more time living your dreams?

The Holistic Vision is a 8-week dive into imagining, articulating, and deciding your direction.

You will:

  • Meet fellow travelers
  • Chart your current decision making system
  • Draft a holistic vision statement
  • Explore where your time is spent
  • Develop a personal definition of success
  • Practice with a holistic decision-making funnel

What's The Time Commitment?

The course runs for 8 weeks
  • Workbook with exercises and prompts to express your vision and make decisions (60 mins per week)
  • Connection to peers (90 mins x4)
  • Coaching (60 mins – optional)
  • Special opt-in events

With 15 minutes per day plus at least 60 minutes per week for deeper reflection, this program can help you. It is a combination of individual and group work.

If you are ready to dig deep into who you are and what you really want out of life, this program can take you there.

Participant Reflections

“Infinite Growth helped me develop a compass that is 100% mine. The clarity it gave (and still gives!) me is amazing.”

Lawrence Barriner II


“Infinite Growth helped me stay creative during a period of change and transition in my life.”

Saba Tekle

“Clarifying and focusing on what I truly want has magnified success and gratification across my life, with clear contrast before and after Infinite Growth.”

Benjamin Spear