Building Creative Capacity
The heart of Infinite Growth is bringing people together. We cultivate the the space inside ourselves to dream, claim our visions, and move into action. Your life is your great masterpiece and sometimes personal perspective needs a revamp. Get in touch with your vision and voice, and connect with others doing the same.

Holistic Vision
Life is short, legacy is long
Enrolling now for Spring 2024!
Holistic Vision is an 8-week online connective experience to bring you in touch with what you most desire, how to hack time constraints, and why aligning actions with our deepest values delivers long-term returns beyond our present imaginations.
Because of this workshop, past participants reached milestones 20 years ahead of schedule, even things that seemed impossible.

Talk to Me
on demand creative director

Daily Muse
Daily creative practice
We are exploring the possibility that muse is everywhere. It wants to be found. Sometimes it is a photo you snap, words you write, something you build, a moment with a loved one, a song – you decide, and share. Spread the inspiration, jolt the trance of doom scrolling and spiraling.
Join me for 30-days exploring the power and potential of muse.
Happens every May!