You are So Beautiful to me

You are So Beautiful to me

You are so beautiful to me

The way you love so fully

The way you gently witness your own shame, and freedom.

The way you sift through memories and moments to look for treasure even in the dark.

You are so beautiful to me

The way you love and laugh and give even when you feel imperfect.

The way you hold another even when you feel like crying, breaking.

You are so beautiful to me

The way you hold on to your own kind of beautiful.

You are so beautiful to me

The way your beauty unfolds, anew and in unchartered ways. 

I can barely catch my breath.

You are so beautiful to me

The way your voice enters my dreams and turns me inside out. 

Loving me from the inside.

You are so beautiful to me. 

Samantha Tan
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Samantha Tan is a consultant and executive coach in leadership, culture and group dynamics. She is passionate about women’s leadership and enjoys working across generations and cultures. She helps leaders tap into emerging voices to inform and shape their organizations into the future. She uses the integration of body, emotions and language to support effective decision making and sustainable change.